A Guide for Online Retailers to Manage Operations, Inventory, and Payment Issues
Selling globally from your e-commerce site is more complex than domestic sales, but there are huge rewards for opening your site to the 95 percent of the world’s population that lives outside the United States.
Preparing Your Business for Global E-Commerce: A Guide for Online Retailers to Manage Operations, Inventory, and Payment Issues
Selling globally from your e-commerce site is more complex than domestic sales, but there are huge rewards for opening your site to the 95 percent of the world’s population that lives outside the United States.
The U.S. Commercial Service manual Preparing Your Business for Global E-Commerce provides the information you’ll need to complete international sales and how to integrate that information into your business operations from the very beginning of the sales-and-fulfillment process. This manual draws on the experiences of businesses that are now exporting throughout the world; we’ve included their stories as case studies to help you export successfully.
Interview with the Author
Listen to an interview with the author of the E-Commerce Guide on practicalecommerce.com. Commercial Officer Ken Walsh provides an overview of the guide, discusses common issues online retailers face when going global, and describes the opportunities available for retailers who want to sell internationally.
Other Resources
This guide is an important part of the services offered to online retailers from the Commercial Service. Visit our E-Commerce Toolbox for additional assistance